WHEN these residents first moved in next to the local graveyard, they didn’t think anything of it. 
But now they want to leave the place as soon as they can.
That’s because ghosts lurk around in the shadows of the night while making an unholy noise – and even cheer the late night soccer on TV!

Residents of Silvertown blame their close proximity to the cemetery in Thembalethu, George in the Western Cape for the constant haunting.
They said ghosts from the nearby cemetery haunt them after midnight, opening water taps and banging on metal toilet doors.
Siphamandla Ngcongo (38) said his family started experiencing these problems soon after they settled near the graveyard last September. 
“It is a hair-rising experience.
“Dogs all over the neighbourhood bark simultaneously but when you look out of the window you only see shadows,” said Siphamandla.
He said the ghosts were keeping him and his wife Nothemba Situngo (31) from sleeping and also caused their two young kids and nephew to speak strange languages in their sleep. 
“Because the ghosts keep us awake, we normally watch European soccer matches on television,” said Siphamandla.
“To our surprise every time there’s a goal scored on TV, loud cheering comes from the graveyard!
“It’s like these ghosts are watching soccer with us.” 
They also constantly hear the ghosts banging on metal toilet doors. 
“I sprayed intelezi to repel these ghosts but have decided to move back to Mdongwe Section. 
“I can no longer stand this.” 
Siphosethu Magotyana (19) said he heard gushing water and footsteps around his one-roomed shack. 
He has resorted to smoking dagga or drinking alcohol to escape the unbearable noise and get some sleep.
Another resident in his late 40s said every time he investigated the noises he only saw shadows. 
“We burn imphempho to chase it away and it helps,” said the father of two.
He said the cause of the problem could be residents who fail to conduct proper burial rituals for their relatives.
Sangoma Makhosandile Toto said it was the ghosts of people who had been bewitched. 
“They were bewitched by ukuthwebula. They are very mischievous and dangerous. 
“Their chaotic acts are because they want to return to real life as they died improper deaths. Some even regard themselves as real. 
“We cannot see them with the naked eye . . .” ,