7 types of Zim women to avoid for your marriage to work

01.The Control Freak
Most Zimbabwean women are Control Freaks For this woman, her ideal relationship is less about compatibility and compromise and more about having someone do everything she says. The only way she can be happy is if she has complete control over circumstances which ruins all opportunity for spontaneity, romantic surprises, and, you know, a man to love out of his own free will.

02.The Speedy Woman
This type is more common in these new sprouting Churches.
Imagine You meet a fantastic woman and you’re having a great first date. You’re sharing a great conversation and just beginning to get comfortable when…WHAM! Your date starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and Big House. This Type of woman will pressure you fore the rest of your life, her plans are all about fulfilling her dreams regardless of who is standing across from her at the altar. She will marry who ever she can get.

03.The Attention Seeker
The attention-seeker is constantly on the lookout for attention and often does things to get attention. She may be loud in public or post pictures on Instagram and Facebook more times a day than anyone can keep up with. Her attention-seeking is a symptom, sometimes, of a lack of self-esteem or she believes she won’t get attention unless she demands it.

04.The Lazy Bitch
This Type is common in our Ghettos
This is the woman who failed in school and never bothered to repeat or try something else, This is the woman who wants a husband to end all her troubles, She sets very high Demands of What Even her own father failed to provide for her, her father doesn't even own a bicycle she wants a guy with a BMW but she doesn't wanna work for it she wants to use the hole between her legs to get anything and everything that she wants

05.The Heartbroken Girl
This type of woman will make you pay for what other men did to her for the rest of your life, She’s the one that compares you to either her terrible ex or her father that you will never live up to. It’ll be very hard to feel appreciated by her because whatever you do will not measure up to her standards. She can’t see you for who you are, she only sees how things can be better or how wrong they are.

Most of this type of women come from broken families and she will become just like her mother who despises the man who left her because he was not sure if the child is his.

06.The Party Girl
When you meet this ball of fun, you think she is the life of the party. She’s carefree, maybe a little wild, and from the outside looks like a person you may be interested in. A guaranteed good time may seem like a good idea but what will she be like in the sobering light of day?
Her hilarious antics, outgoing personality and righteous dance moves are good in small doses, but the Party Girl doesn’t know the meaning of “closing time.” It’s hard to have a healthy relationship with a person who is masking major problems underneath his or her party hat. Plus, we all know that people who can’t amuse themselves without mind-altering substances just aren’t any fun when the party is over.

07.The Windbag
Yakkity Yak. The Windbag is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seeming only concerned about what is going on in her life and sharing her prattling insights, this Chatty Cathy also has Drama-Queen tendencies (not good).

The Windbag’s rambling renditions drive men crazy for obvious reasons, but they also make men feel a little obsolete since they can go on and on without anyone else’s input. Most people think it takes two to have a conversation, but not The Windbag.

07.The Selfish Girl
Is the woman who wants all done for her but she never does anything for you, not even on your birthday, the only moment she might do something for you is only when she wants something bigger for herself ,