Woman accused of injecting daughter with urine

An Australian mother – known for her parenting blog has been accused of injecting her own daughter with urine.
The nine-year-old girl was born with a genetic illness, which meant she visited hospital frequently.
Doctors were pretty concerned to find yeast and fungus growing one of her intravenous tubes.
She also had a rash consistent with laxative abuse.
Parenting blogger accused of injecting daughter with urine
Parenting blogger accused of injecting daughter with urine
The woman – who has not been named – was allegedly found to be carrying urine samples, syringes and laxatives.
The girl has since been removed from her mother’s care and her condition is said to be improving.
The blogger’s court hearing has been adjourned until December.
It’s believed that Munchausen syndrome by proxy will be raised in court.
Munchausen is a psychological and behavioural condition where someone pretends to be ill or induces symptoms of illness in themselves – in by proxy cases, injuries are inflicted on other people.

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