Prisoners have a beef after pork chopped from federal prison menus

Inmates will no longer be pigging out on ham or bacon after the Obama administration removed pig products from federal prison menus, in a sudden move being decried by the pork industry.

The federal Bureau of Prisons, responsible for over 200,000 inmates, reportedly imposed the ham ban at the beginning of the month and said it was in response to surveys of prisoners' food preferences. According to the government, pork just wasn't a popular menu item.

“Why keep pushing food that people don’t want to eat?” Edmond Ross, a spokesman for the prison bureau, told The Washington Post. “Pork has been the lowest-rated food by inmates for several years.”

But the pork industry has an obvious retort: Seriously, who doesn't like bacon?

"We find it hard to believe that a survey would have found a majority of any population saying, ‘No thanks, I don’t want any bacon,’" a spokesperson for The National Pork Producers Council told in a statement. "For people who are incarcerated, we understand that they’re denied certain rights and freedoms but we don’t think bacon should be one of them."

In terms of responding to the move, the NPPC would not rule out legal action.

Source Fox News
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