Star Fm, a Disgrace to all who died for our Liberation???

No to corruption!!!!!!!! To Star FM I would say......................
I tried to deal with Star FM Confidentially but now i am coming out in the public,
Id like to take this time to remind all Star FM DJs that, the radio is not your personal jukeboxes. All corrupt personnel with be dealt with accordingly, Male DJs who want sex for airplay will be dealt with. For the confidentiality of the females involved i will only release the least and photo evidences in court. It doesn't make sense when only 5 out of 20 songs on Star Fm charts are local. This is a breach of Zimbabwe broadcasting act.
What happened to the 75 percent local content, Busy promoting the Beyonces and Jay Z who contribute nothing to our economy, who do not pay tax in Zimbabwe, Link Below is my open letter to Star Fm, please forward this until relevant authorities see this  act of unpatriotic by Star FM personnel, Mbuya Nehanda, Sekuru Kaguvi, Leopold Takawira, Hebert Chitepo did not die so that we can play Beyonces on our radio, Robert Mugabe was not arrested for more that 10 years so DJs can promote American and British music.
Did our war Heroes die that we could play American music on our Radio Stations?
If  Nehanda was alive would you play Jay Zee for her
 The entire station is boycotting Soul Jah Love just because he had a fight with one of Star Fm Dj, I don't know which law they used to boycott him or if they had a court order to do so, These Star Fm sellouts are becoming big headed, Soul Jah Love makes music for the nation, not for himself but for millions of Zimbabweans, now how do you justify depriving the entire nation off good music? If Soul Jah love was so bad how about fraudsters, murders, corrupts and thieves working for the radio, why are they not fired? Munhu akatukana nemunhu just because vatorerana mabhebhi otonouraya whole career yemunhu?

Star FM; don't use the radio to get ladies and sex and most of you are blinging with clothes and jewelry from promoters, Radio is a Public Service and i have a constitutional right to a public opinion and scrutiny. This is a dispute and should be addressed immediately, I am a guy who never gets tired of fighting for my country. Attached Below is my Notice to Star FM which i have decided to turn into an open letter. No offence is intended and if any of Star FM staff is offended by my epistle then they are a sellout, Dzakutsaku. , , , ,