Prophet Strips female congregants ( Shocking Photos)

Shocking pictures have emerged on the End Times Disciples Ministries Facebook page.

Pictures of the Prophet STANDING on half-naked congregants while he exorcises demons have shocked all and sundry!
SHOCIKNG PICTURES: Prophet strips congregants, STANDS on them as he chases demons.
Both men and women are shown lying on the ground after being ‘instructed by the prophet to do so. Apparently this is to ensure that the spirit gets in the person’s body and increases temperature out in the cold.

Comments pouring in on the Facebook post scorned the church for abusing congregants and ‘running a strip club while some thought the whole thing was okay as long as no one did it under duress.

This development is on the backdrop of a similarly weird antic in 2014 by another church leader Lesego Daniel who made his followers eat grass.

Below are some of the shocking pictures.

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