Give me 5000 for sleeping with my wife

RAPHAEL Mashaba was having an affair with a woman, but he didn’t know she had a husband .  He also claims that he didn’t know that the husband was a very jealous and violent man.

The finer details of his lover’s other life were revealed to him before her husband allegedly hacked him on the head with an axe!
Raphael said the husband, accompanied by a friend, arrived at his place last week and demanded that he pay R5 000 in damages for having sex with his wife.

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Raphael Mashaba says he was accused of sleeping with a married woman.

Photo by Eugene Malaka

When Raphael (35) said he didn’t have that kind of money, he was allegedly hacked with an axe.

Still not satisfied, the angry husband demanded his payment, threatening to burn Raphael in his shack.

To save his life, Raphael from Ebumnandini in Tshepisong near Kagiso paid R1 500 and the man left.

The injured man was taken to hospital where he was treated for his injuries. When he was discharged the following day he went to report the matter to the cops.

Raphael told Daily Sun that he was close to the woman and she even had his number on her cellphone.

“There’s nothing going on between us. I used to help her a lot. She would ask me for money and I would give it to her.”

Raphael said he was now worried that the man would return to finish what he started.

“He told me that he wants the remaining R3 500 but I don’t know where I will get it,” he said.
Daily Sun spoke to the woman in the centre of it all.

“I’m not having an affair. My husband is just jealous. I’m scared he might kill me for nothing,” she said.
Daily Sun learnt that the woman has been kicked out of the house she shared with her husband.

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya confirmed the incident. He said two suspects have been arrested.

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