Why Land-Barons getaway with Illegal Stands,

Dr Mabamba, through his United We Stand Housing cooperative, is fingered in the audit report of being the chief “land baron” in the illegal allocation of more than 8 000 houses to desperate home-seekers in Chitungwiza, an allegation he denies.
Organised Squatters,
Land Barons get away because their stands maybe illegal but they can be qualified under squatters, and according to human rights laws, squatter homes should not be demolished, that's why sometimes Local governments demolish at night, but if the occupants are not fear-full they will resist and no one can touch them,
Giving back to the community One of  Mabamba's schools, Over 300 pupils learn for free,
these pupils range from orphans, the poor, etc, Mabamba also donated Ambulances to Chitungwiza, cars to primary schools,
Repaired sewer systems, in Seke Unit G,

People like Mabamba sale stands to unknowing victims who wont be aware that the land baron is just a guy who just allocated land to himself, So the victim will buy the stand and later realize he was botched. and faces the local government to himself, These Victims will be squatters, the difference to the usual squatters is that they are squatters with tittle deeds, nicer and bigger houses, Built in a uniform manner and have street names, Its fortunate for them because they are protected under Squatter rights. and/or fundamental human rights to food shelter health and accommodation, In normal economies unemployed people are paid unemployment benefit, Its our right in the sense that we own our country by inheritance, so i liken State revenue to a family tuck shop, every revenue the state generates belongs to all on us not the government and war veterans,

We respect war veterans for volunteering to fight for our country, since they volunteered they shouldn't really expect to be paid, Because if they did it for the money then they are not heroes but the people who pay them, But as a nation we honor and respect them, we can only give them a token of appreciation not payment

So Mabamba is not a criminal but he is just a too clever man, his only crime maybe creating stands in areas that are not meant for residential purposes, like wetland, But this can be argued in the court by making reference to the Chinese Longcheng Plaza built on wet land,
Long cheng Plaza
Longcheng Plaza On Wetland
On one incident someone argued saying The Chinese use special building methods, and the land baron said i also have my own special methods, just like the Chinese, or how houses are built in wet countries like Seychelles, Dubai, Mauritius, China, Actually building in a wetland is a luxury and special that's why all top luxury and expensive hotels are built in wetlands,
Longcheng Plaza
Longcheng Plaza in wetland

Other land barons who where at a time part of the local government, like Councilors and mayors sold themselves bulk stands During the Change-Money in their relatives names or names of people who don't exist,
Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Ignatius Chombo and Environment, Water and Climate Minister Saviour Kasukuwere tour illegal settlements built on wetlands in Chitungwiza — Picture: Percy Musiiwa
Minister Chombo is not always in the office,  After all these stories he decided to go himself and see whats really on the ground since his subordinates sometimes misinform him,

Other barons, buy land disguising to want to build to build schools and churches, Stands for churches and school stands are either free or extremely cheap less than $200usd. after a few years the Land Baron will file for change of use then develop the land into stands, so 200 stands can be bought at the price of one stand, and its not illegal.
The only crime that Mabamba "may be charged with" is Solving accommodation problems buy arranging squatters in a planned way,...........to be continued.

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