SOME ZIMABWEANS CRUEL, Want Artists to suffer

SOUL JAH LOVE WOES…Musician fails to pay rent, car attached

Herald Wrote
Dancehall chanter Soul Jah Love this week had his Toyota Mark II vehicle attached by the Messenger of Court over unpaid rentals and damage he caused to a Greendale property that he used to occupy. The Messenger of Court on Monday took away the faulty vehicle for auctioning to recover $403 that the artiste, born Soul Muzavazi Musaka, failed to pay to his former landlady, Judith Banda.

Banda issued summons at the Harare Civil Court in December last year claiming $361 in rental arrears and compensation for damage caused to the property.
The artiste did not oppose the application despite being served with the summons.

Magistrate Tendai Rusinahama granted a default judgment in favour of Banda and figure later rose to $403 after the Messenger of Court’s fees were factored in.

Armed with the court order, Banda got a writ of execution that saw the musician’s property being attached.

Dr Clarence Opinion, This lady is too clever, she knew Soul Jah Luv is not educated enough to know that if he doesn't respond to summons a default judgement will be passed. Soul Jah luv didn't defend himself, that's all not that he is a badboy who really committed a crime,the court passed a judgement only based on that he didn't respond, 

According to the lady he owed her 361, we don't know is Soul Jah Luv agrees to this, what we only know is She took Soul Jah Loves Mark 2 over a $400 debt , SERIOUSLY? Hutsinye kuda kuti magheto yutes afire munhamo. Manye pane evidence here yekutimota yacho ndya soul? Amai munopindana nedzimwe,
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