Baba Jukwa causes havoc again

Baba Jukwa Bounces Back as Jonathan Moyo Enters Facebook NehandaRadio|Baba Jukwa bounces back barely 48hours after Jonathan Moyo enters Twittersphere and social networking website Facebook. The mystery surrounding controversial Facebook blogger Baba Jukwa grows even more after the popular character resurfaced on Thursday and began posting again. The last time the page was updated was 11 August 2014. Baba Jukwa taking notes in Nyoka and Kunyepa satire of a cabinet meeting Baba Jukwa taking notes in Nyoka and Kunyepa satire of a cabinet meeting “From meetings within and without over here one thing is fixed: There are three animals crawling: The Snake,

The Crocodile, and The Hippo. Death is the end of at least two, and only one animal will survive this war before Zimbabwe is set free forever. Didymus is no fool hear me great people,” he posted on Thursday. This was followed by another post, an hour later saying; “List of people to disappear in February: You’ll remember I told you of how many officers will die in 2014 before it all happened. Three more junior CIOs are going to disappear between 15 February and 5 March. “You will not hear much of them and it will be like nothing has happened. But their bodies will be turned into ashes. I will give you the updated full list on Monday and will also tell you where and how this is all to go. Watch your back vafana watch!!!,” the blogger said. The page currently has over 409 000 followers. It grew in popularity towards the 2013 elections as it delivered juicy reports on Zanu PF politburo meetings and several scandals involving senior government officials. The page also quickly grew into a platform for naming and shaming people involved in corruption, theft, murder and other vices. Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi was arrested last year following claims that he was in fact Baba Jukwa. He is facing charges of attempting to subvert a constitutionally elected government, banditry, insurgency and demeaning the office of the President and is jointly charged with his brother Phillip. Jonathan Moyo and Edmund Kudzayi Jonathan Moyo and his sidekick Edmund Kudzayi Since Kudzayi’s arrest the number of posts on the page has declined considerably. In the past the page has been taken offline and come back online again. The latest period, 6 months, is the longest the popular page has been offline. Last month Kudzayi threatened to take legal action against the police accusing them of dragging their feet in investigating the Baba Jukwa saga. Through his lawyer Admire Rubaya, Kudzayi wrote a letter dated January 12, 2015, and copied to prosecutor-general Johannes Tomana, the then Justice minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, among others. Mnangagwa is now the Vice President. “It is common cause that our client was arrested in June 2014, where the State claimed it had ample evidence and would be ready for trial by July of the same year. Seven months have since passed,” Rubaya said. Interestingly Baba Jukwa is back on Facebook exactly three days after Information Minister Jonathan Moyo officially announced he had joined Facebook and Twitter. It was Moyo in his capacity as Information Minister who appointed Kudzayi to be editor of the state owned but Zanu PF controlled Sunday Mail newspaper. - ORIGINAL STORY: ,