HIV Positive Mukonde Nurse Abuses Pregnant Patients

A male nurse stationed at Mukonde Clinic is under fire from villagers who accuse him of `sexually abusing patients and pregnant women in maternity wards. For this reason, Charles David has been ordered to stop going to maternity wards alter his case was heard before Chief Makuni real name Nicholas Chawora Muzika in the presence of the District Nurse Officer only identified as Dhlana. David's sexual acts reportedly came to light after one of the Nyatsama Villagers, Shelter Chinyanda,  disclosed that she was approached by him where she was told that her hypertension problem would only go by engaging in sex with him since she was not married.

Shelter alleges that she demanded blood tests before sex and they were both tested for HIV and were both found negative. Shelter discovered later that David was taking A RVs after she visited him at his house for another sexual treatment. Chief Makuni confirmed hearing the case saying he fined David a beast and referred the case to police after overwhelming evidence during the trial. "We heard Shelter and David's case and I fined him a beast after many witnesses from the village claimed that he was sexually violating pregnant women visiting the maternity ward," said Chief Makuni. "I called his superior from Rushinga nursing district and he attended the court and it helped villagers who complained bitterly about how he was treating pregnant women, Shelter's case aside. "I wrote a letter to the magistrate after referring the case to police since there was overwhelming evidence that David deliberately infected Shelter with HIV" said Chief Makuni. Narrating how she was 'sexually treated', Shelter claims that David is the one who tested their blood and he apologized and promised to pay her after she found the life prolonging tablets in his house. "David deliberately infected me with a sexually transmitted disease after conducting fake blood tests and some of his workmates insulted me calling me names after I took my issue to them," said Shelter. "He gave me some tablets after I threatened to
take my !natter to his superiors and promised to pay me but my health is now at risk. "I made a police report at Rushinga under CR 33 /1 I /14 and no arrest was made before I decided to report to Chief Makuni. "Police officers asked me to go for HIV testing before they could make an arrest and someone told me that David was influencing the investigating officer and that angered me much. "David aka nditi sei muchitora mapiritsi eBP Nguva those asi hamuna murume here, istress inopera nekurara nemurume ndipei number dzenyu tizvipedze ndipo pandakazokumbira kuti tiongororwe ropa pamwechete. "I want to believe he tested his blood for sugar diabetes and my blood for HIV since all the tests came negative and he is the one who tested the blood. "Chief Makuni fined him a beast but he never paid it and that beast will never compensate my health he has affected and as we speak I am receiving six injections daily at the same clinic following the incident. "David told me that he is not married and having sex with him many times would reduce my stress so as to normalize my hypertension problem and he ordered me to stop taking BP tablets after several sex sessions with him," said Shelter. Contacted for comment David told H-Metro that Shelter is after destroying him and referred further questions to Chief Makuni who heard the case. "I am tired of being questioned by different people about this case and I am fully aware that Shelter is the one spreading lies in her effort to destroy me," said David. "Since she took her case to my superiors and her chief I am still conducting my work here and look those people are waiting to be served by me. "Yes I am no longer attending to pregnant women and as for those questions better visit the chief who heard the case and is the one aware of everything regal ndiite bass; asi nemiwo munoda kundiparadza, aunza nyaya iyoyo kwamuri ndiani? I am prepared to sue the person who took the story to you chibvai pano muende kwa mambo," said David. Rushinga District Medical Officer could neither confirm nor deny receiving the case. By Arron Nyamayaro  , , , ,