Tb Joshua, Makes Another US Prophecy following the failed US Prophecy. SHOCKING

"This will definitely come to pass so that you believe me" Those where the words of TB Joshua at a press briefing today.The now controversial, Infamous and filthy rich preacher prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN church has made another shocking and controversial prophecy.7 months ago TB Joshua made a terrifying prophecy on Nigeria, saying an attack was near. A terrorist attack will kill people in Nigeria and Ghana this month, says the Founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations in Nigeria, Prophet TB Joshua.
Who doesn't know that Nigeria is alway in mayhem with the rampant rebels like the Infamous Boko Haram. Prophets always ride the wave and claim to have foretold of the phenomenas and Paradoxes. Prophets don,t usually release a video before, they alway release after the incidences and after Editing out and editing in various clips to make the video mean what they want. The results of the recent US election seemed obvious so prophets seized the opportunities and released their prophecies in their churches, on Youtube, Faceboolk, Press, Blogs, etc..

One good example of riding the wave is when TB Joshua claimed he had prophesied the terror attack that took place in n the southern French city of Nice, France. On Sunday, July 10th. The funny thing is he claimed after it had already happed.

Watch this video and you will see how the TB Joshua Clinton will win prophecy reedited to sound like he was saying Trump will win.

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