Uebert Angel Buys His Wife A Brand New Lamborghini For Valentines

Love him or hate him, Uebert Angel just keeps moving forward. To say that this man of God attracts controversy is a huge understatement. This man of God epitomises controversy.
The stylish multi-millionaire preacher has bought his wife Beverly “BeBe” Angel a Lamborghini as a valentines present.
Uebert Angel who is the leader of Spirit Embassy The Good News Church, has been making waves around the world with the Good News revolution which is spreading and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. His reach has even reached the corridors of Hollywood.
Thousands of souls have come to a knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ and of Christianity as the Good News Revolution spreads internationally.
Angel, has made inroads in Arabic nations and also India, where he is scheduled to minister to hundreds of thousands in Hyderabad next week beginning on the 15th of February.
Uebert Angel who is somewhat of a news magnate is a constant feature in the news and his name is never far from news headlines, just recently great excitement has been growing in Zimbabwe where he has a huge following as stories of his imminent return to that nation continue to swell.
Onward Christian Radio spoke to Spirit Embassy The Good News Church, spokesperson Rikki Doolan, and asked him if Uebert Angel, was planning to return to Zimbabwe any time soon? Mr Doolan said:
“Uebert Angel, can go to Zimbabwe any time God says he should go. God is the determining power in all this, remember Uebert Angel is a servant of God and as such he goes where God wants him to be. He is also a business person who is a global citizen and is not restricted to any one geographic area, he is not barred from any country and he is neither a fugitive of the law in any place, therefore, the notion that he was unable to travel to Zimbabwe is neither here nor there. The facts in respect to the real question you are alluding to are that the media made it look like he was running from something but that’s not true, he is a public figure whose whereabouts are a matter of public knowledge he is after all a minister of the gospel who is taking the Good News message to the world and also a man who runs charities that help millions”
Commenting on the cancelled warrant of arrest Mr. Doolan said “the media covered this case extensively some jumping to their own conclusions and some to their own confusion and it is a fact that this case ping-ponged-in-and out of court, for far too long until Angel won in court. That is documented fact. We are however glad the issues are now a thing of the past. We now focus on the future. Our resolve was to settle this amicably as we did and following the instruction of the Prophet’s mentor we were mindful for the sake of the gospel because that is what matters. Our focus as always is in moving the work of God forward, thus, we have a strategic plan in our ministry to spread the Good news revolution which is led worldwide by Uebert Angel to every part of the world and as a prophetic church we adhere to God’s time and we know that God’s time is the best time.”
Asked how Uebert Angel felt about Zimbabwe, he spokesperson said,
“What I know without a shadow of doubt is that Prophet Uebert Angel loves Zimbabwe and also all the other countries God sends him to, very deeply, that’s why we have the Uebert Angel Foundation (UAF) and all the other charity wings of our Ministry working flat out on the ground in Zimbabwe helping on the charity front just as extensively as we have in other nations”
The truth of the matter is that Uebert Angel is a very blessed person in terms of wealth. Financially he is blessed beyond reason, this is why he can afford to buy his wife a Lamborghini as a valentines present. However I must hasten to say he is a loving and very charitable leader and haters will always be there. This man is no hypocrite – he tells it as it is and he doesn’t hide anything for the sake of fake ‘humility’. The problem is Christianity has a lot of men of God hiding the blessings God gave them and then those who show it are assassinated and seen as the black sheep of the pack.”
The courts in Zimbabwe had issued a warrant of arrest on the Man of God on December 24, 2014. However, the warrant was recently revoked by Harare provincial magistrate Mr. Vakayi Chikwekwe with consent from the prosecutor- general’s office this came after Angel won a court case and after the complainant opted to settle out of court.

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