DETAILS EMERGE; Trevor Dongo in Nasty Divorce, They used me, "Lobola was a fundraising project for the desperate Unemployed failed model wife"

Urban groover Trevor Dongo's 3 month marriage to Ashley has ended.

They married in May 2015. Dongo accused Maumbe of doing 'things not expectable of a married woman". Sources close to Ashley said she got tire with Dongo's numerous mistresses. Dongo is said to be in a behavior of sending love texts to other ladies as well as coming with them at their matrimonial home.

"They where hiding their split, keeping it secret but the news has now become the conversation of their circles.

"She has been staying at her place for the past 3 months, when she left they were just on separation but now their matrimony has officially ended.

"Trevor still wants Ashley but it is now hopeless since Ashley doesn't want him and her relatives no longer want Trevor in Ashley's life,' said a source to H-metro.
Added another source, "Trevor used to brings girl's at the house claiming that they were his friends un told Ashley saw love messages of those women in Trevor's phone.

" Ashley's family prearranged to give back Trevor back his money that he paid as lobola and Ashley brother who is said to be based in Namibia is the one who is supposed to raise the money and give it back". In reality they are just saying this to cover their intention, The Lobola was a fundraising project of the Maumbe Family

Ashley confirmed the break up.

"Yes we broke up but no one is giving him back anything and I stay in Zimre Park" she said. , , ,