Zimbabweans respond to Cruel Council

Zimbabweans respond to Cruel Council\

Below are comments from Zimbabweans on social network with names of commentators who responded

Shame!Haa aya marwadzo akomana

I really wonder what the scenario is though. Coz i don't believe munhu anongo muka achivaka without having any land allocated to them. Like seriously, imagine uri kuno kuDIaspora u watching your house getting DEMOLISHED! SMH!

This is wrong in so many levels after all the blood and sweat the money time one has invested in that house and they just destroy hazvina kumbosiyana nekuuraya munhu izvi this is heartbreaking kusvika rini sure vanhu vachi suffer like this why let one build , finish and settle if it's illegal they should stop before one waste the resources

uyu ndiye mukuru vevaroyi nekuoma kwakaita upenyu here kwakutobva kuholiday akatooma kudarika zvaakaendera

sad indeed

Why did the council approve the plans and all If these houses were not supposed to be there, ipolitics idzi
Eish! Ndarwadziwa

Mumwe munhu akatodya mari ye stand iyoyo. That's painful. Apo no compensation

Ndivana satani

Taura hako ndaita kunge ndichanoroya munhu,vanhu ngatiwe netsitsi amana bag recement nekudhura kwariri kuita,ko idzo imba dzacho dzanga dzanyanya kuipei nhai nhai

African poolitics no one cares, feel sorry for the owner.... shame

If one doesn't feel for another human being heyi zvakaoma my heart bleeds

Ende haupiwe chance yekubudusa property yako smh

I don't think ivo varikupwanya they own properties

Haa izvi zvarwadza. Even ukapihwa new location its not like unotakura nemba yako yawainge wavaka wati ndapedza ne madiro awaiita. Zvakangooma so

Zanu yakaora mugabe akaora iys high time we do samething about this. No man this is bull shit. What do we have to say or do as fellow zimbabwens?

Arikupwanya haana simba nazvo Caz anoshandawo ende akanzi na boss nhasi ma duties ako Ku demolisha kwakati anoramba achitii iye aripabasa?

Panovaka munhu wopedza council yacho inenge iripi,kucheka nerakagomara uku

Ijoulos yevasina dzimba iyoyo vasingade kuona chakanaka

Houses and squatters built near airport, all goin down,, no permission. Area only for airport expansion and hotels etc. Gushungo was pissed off abt the look when the Chinese leader came so he demanded everything shld go......can you imagine kamudhara aka

This is evil

This is sad indeed

Varikupunza ava dai vatora basa re hangman iro risina anoritora panekuuraya vasina mhaka ava