6 Satanic things you might be doing everyday that might be blocking your Blessing

When was the last time you prayed?
When Was the Last time you praised and worshiped God?
When was the last time you prayed Before sleeping,
Have you ever woke up to pray in the middle of the night after a bad dream?

Do you only pray when you are in trouble?
is your house filled with things that glorify God or The Devil? 
You keep condoms in your house for safety but you don,t have a bible,
You obey the Sangoma and not your Pastor.
6 Satanic things you might be doing everyday that might be blocking your Blessing
In wearing Statanic Horns Hairstlyles you block your Prayers because you are clearly admitting that the Devil owns you

6 Satanic things you might be doing everyday that might be blocking your Blessing
Satanic Photo Pose
