Winky Dee ah di Bigman, Ah di Master keeps on proving that he is Ah Di Master for real.
Winky Dees songs from his latest offering are relevant songs to our everyday lives, Who ever thought that music with clean lyrics could be big and interesting.
Winky takes his time to record and release music, Well written songs and well scrutinized before being distributed to the people. Other ZimDancehall artists are to fast in their things, some don't even write any song down, they either freestyle or write the song as they record it, They make music just for the sake of people to say "he has a new album" These too fast artist are going nowhere fast, most of them never last more than a year, the likes of Tocky Vybez, D Flexx, Pah Chihera, King Labash, MMT, etc.
Winky Dee in no longer just a musician but he has become a franchise, a well run franchise. All artist must take notes and put mathematical and scientific calculation to their music. They should know relevant stuff, that moves with time. Most of other artists are not versatile, when they make one hit song with a certain style they want to keep doing that same style. History does not repeat itself artists should keep versatile and moving.
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