Govt releases $31m for Tokwe-Mukosi Dam

Government has released $31 million to complete the construction of Tokwe-Mukosi Dam in Masvingo South.
Work at the dam stopped on December 18 last year after the Italian contractor, Salini Impregilio, demanded settlement of part of the arrears owed by Government together with money to complete the outstanding works.
At least $30 million is required to complete all the outstanding works at the dam while Government arrears to Salini are estimated to be about $57 million.
Salini stopped construction and left only skeletal staff after the firm suspended the contract citing payment problems.
The $255 million Tokwe-Mukosi Dam project is being funded by the Government of Zimbabwe.
However, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa), which is the project supervisor at Tokwe-Mukosi Dam, yesterday announced that work at the dam was set to resume following the release of the money.
Zinwa public relations and marketing manager, Mrs Marjorie Munyonga, yesterday said Government had released funds.
Mrs Munyonga said out of the $30,92 million released for the project, $10 million was going towards carrying out outstanding works, with the remainder going towards arrears settlement.
“Government has released $30,92 million towards the Tokwe-Mukosi Dam construction project and the release of the funds will allow the project, which had stalled due to lack of funding to resume,’’ she said in a statement.“Of the funds released, $10 million will be channelled towards the completion of the outstanding works at the dam, while the remainder has been paid to the contractor to offset the arrears to the contractor,’’ she said.
Mrs Munyonga said the money was raised from Treasury Bills issued by Government for the completion of the project.
She, however, hinted that actual construction at Tokwe-Mukosi Dam was likely to resume after the current rain season.
“There will not be an immediate commencement of works at the dam since the rainy season is about to start, construction work is extremely difficult during the wet season, and work will be difficult since water will be passing through the dam’s outlet works, which are also part of the outstanding works,’’ said Mrs Munyonga.
Salini would also require at least four months mobilising equipment and restoring its staff after having moved most of its equipment and personnel to other projects across the African continent.
The 1,8 billion cubic metre Tokwe-Mukosi Dam is about 90 percent complete with work on the outlet valves, right bank spillway and fortification of the upstream side being part of the major outstanding work.
The dam will irrigate in excess of 25 000 hectares in Chiredzi, Mwenezi and Chivi and produce 15 megawatts of electricity.