12 Strange Muslim Rules

1. It is a sin to pluck your eyebrows.
2. It is against Islamic doctrine to have pictures in your home.
3. If a Muslim wife refuses to wear a veil, others will see her as her husband's slave rather than his wife.
12 Strange Muslim Rules

4. The punishment for having unmarried s*x is whipping with a hundred lashes and then being exiled for a year.
5. Getting into Paradise is usually not a sure thing. Your good deeds must outweigh your bad deeds, but who knows for sure if they do? But there are three things you can do to guarantee you'll make it to Paradise: a) killing a non-Muslim in battle, b) if two of your children were killed fighting for Allah, or c) memorizing the ninety-nine names of Allah.
6. Allah not just allows, but encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it will further the goals of spreading Islam.
7. Women are not allowed to wear hair extensions or a wig.
8. Wearing the color yellow is forbidden.
9. A Muslim must avoid yawning. Mohammad said, "Yawning is from Satan."
10. Dogs should be killed. All dogs.
11. Mohammad recommended women breastfeed young men. Then the men are considered family and would be allowed to talk to the woman unveiled. However, once she breastfed him, he would not be allowed to marry her.
12. It is a sin to lie on your back and cross your feet. ,