Dr Clarence Open Letter to Strive Masiiwa

The motivations of this letter is to get your broad attention on the letter's recipient, prompting you to some action and also as a last resort pro bono.

Mr Masiiwa i appreciate your efforts and work in Zimbabwe, I am writing this directly to you just in case you are not aware of what is happening in Econet. If this happens people like me who are Patriots can sue you.
I wrote Econet a notice of intention to sue but no response was made then the following week robbers broke into my house and my laptops were stolen, My microphones, guitars, speakers, workshop tools like Jigsaws and circular saws were not taken, my Briefcase was left meaning the robber only wanted my Laptops.

This made me suspect that maybe someone from Econet sent me thugs to destroy the evidence of a multi million dollar lawsuit i was planning for Econet's employee liability and the involved parties on their personal capacities, it was fortunate for me that i had a lot of back ups some of them in the cloud. I suspected Econet because once they had raided a newsroom, even though the raid might have been legal it showed me Econet had elements of mafia style elements. but ei incumbit probatio qui dicit

I found it ethical to write you this open letter and attach some recordings so you can see culprits and other who may pull your work down from inside.

On Sat 21 February 2015 circa 1:30pm Yvone a Helpline staff,refused me my rights to make complaints, she got emotional, started to shout at me then ab irato she blocked my line for two hours contra ius commune and because of that i lost money.

Another problem, Econet reduces speed of unlimited data plans, if i buy whatsapp bundles it becomes slower,Econet has misled millions of its mobile customers, charging them for so-called unlimited data plans that were in reality not unlimited at all but throttled.

Helpline is helpless in most cases, very slow to respond. Helpline lies ro customers, shouts at them, below is an audio clip to prove the above mentioned.

Now that i have got your attention i think there are chances you will contact me because there are a lot of loopholes i have investigated which i cant write in an open letter to avoid exposing trade secrets.
Below are embedded audio clips of notorious culprits that bite the hand that feeds them, its unfortunate these people can only be labeled suspects before