A ritual site used by the disgraced former Vice President Joice Mujuru in her bid to cause misfortune, death or illness to her enemies among them President Robert Mugabe has been unearthed. Fresh images of the site showing at least ten beheaded chickens, arrows, clay pots and mudhombo snuf among other artifacts used in the rituals have been revealed and they are said to have been captured by a member of the Mujuru security team a day after the rituals had been partaken.
The site whose exact location is reportedly in Mashonaland Central along the Dande river shows small, medium and large sized red and black strips of fine cloth some of which is tied into at least ten knots each enclosing different names of people, soil samples, some beads, snuff and blood believed to have been extracted from the chickens that lie lifelessly on bare ground and some on a traditional reed-made mate locally known as rukukwe or mhasa.
It is not yet ascertained if security details have already visited the said ritual site. The names of those whose names remain stuck on a flying red cloth strip pulverized with human waste are as follows:
1. Robert Gabriel Mugabe
2. Grace Marufu Mugabe
3. Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
4. Ignatius Chombo
5. Saviour Kasukuwere
6. Jonathan Moyo
7. Godwin Gomwe
8. Energy Mutodi
9. Noah Taguta
10. Ezekiel Guti
11. Constantine Chiwenga
12. Alfred Nhepera
13. Chris Mutsvangwa
14. Patrick Nyaruwata
15. Shuvai Mahofa
The discovery which confirms last year pronouncements by a Malawian self styled prophet who said that President Mugabe would not survive beyond the year 2015 has send shock waves among government officials and party members. President Mugabe first announced the plot recently at his 91st birthday televised speech and repeated it in Victoria Falls before a crowd of more than 20 000 on February 28. He said that his former second in command had hired two Nigerians who performed rituals to kill him, his wife Grace, Vice President Mnangagwa among others; adding that the rituals were being done while Amai Mujuru was half-naked. The next day, the private media was awash with reports that Mujuru had refuted the claims. They quoted her saying, "Handiite zvakadaro ini" (I do not do such things). Mujuru added that she grew up in an Appstolic Faith Church and was taught to believe in Christ always.
However, it is common knowledge that liberation war fighters like herself depended on an African Traditional Religion which involves the use of black magic, animal sacrifices as well as spirit mediums to deal with day to day problems including predicting the future. Mujuru was simply trying to hide behind a finger when she completely dissociated herself from the ritual practices. Mujuru left school as a teenager to join other countrymen and women in Mozambique. While there, she got married to Zimbabwe's most decorated soldier Solomon Mujuru whose war tag name was Rex Nhongo. She certainly witnessed many people lose their lives in the war and is not moved if someone was to die by whatever cause because she was trained to kill. At the peak of Diamond discoveries in Chiyadwa between the years 2009-11, several jobless youths were killed when they were mauled by police dogs or shot by police for trespassing into the former Vice President's diamond fields by then known as 'Mutaka waMai Mujuru'.

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