Magaya and Makandiwa at War?

Prophet W. Magaya and E. Makandiwa: friends or rivals?

The duo leads probably the largest churches in one sitting. They have the spiritual gifts to change people’s lives with miracles that have really shifted Zimbabwe’s religious beliefs. They have become a force to reckon with; even within the political spheres they are accorded and reserved a seat. But their similarities seem to end there.

Prophet Magaya and Prophet Makandiwa seem to be silently competing with each other for attention. They are not known to have a symbiotic relationship like the one wedged between Prophet Magaya and Prophet Angel earlier on. Back then it was common to witness them performing miracles hand in glove even though they led different churches. Though their friendship seemingly melted away with time, there was an agreement of their calling and it helped to forge a stronger Christian community.

Prophet Makandiwa and Prophet Magaya

We are all human and we cannot expect all church leaders to be friends, just like in our lives. But there is a common feature that brings people with the same ideals together. Historically, we have known war fighters, criminals and even prostitutes to combine their efforts to achieve the same purpose. We are not proposing that the two become instant buddies, but where is the symbiotic relationship that is expected between men of such magnitude. Surely, there is something that they can teach each other for their congregation to grow stronger.

While the two are not know to be enemies, it can be avoided that when Prophet Makandiwa began his church, Prophet Magaya was virtually unknown in the Christian circles. Makandiwa had virtually strangled many churches and swept most of their believers with him. People would sacrifice to travel almost 100 km to encounter the servant of God. His star was shooting undeterred, until Magaya came to prominence. Again, PHD scooped more worshipers from the traditional churches, and Prophet Makandiwa was not spared the wrath. Was this a taste of his own medicine, as the saying goes?
Those that dismissed Magaya’s fame were surprised when he attained arguably the largest attendance in numbers for his 2014 crossover night numbering around 300 000. A Makandiwa revival earlier on had attracted half that figure. While both men had fished in their neighbors’ fishponds, Prophet Makandiwa felt the repurcations when his crowd thinned further, whilst Prophet Magaya gained momentum.

Prophet Makandiwa has been known as a man who prefers flamboyancy and drives in latest cars. On the other hand, Prophet Magaya is a self-styled chief of modest who drives a cheap ex-Japanese car model. His dressing is humble though local fashion police have flashed some red lights for his over-emphasis on floral shirts just like his spiritual father T. B. Joshua. On the other hand, Prophet Makandiwa dresses for the occasion and is a declared business person. The two have their fathers hailing from West Africa i.e. Ghana and Nigeria respectively. Can that similarity attract a notable friendship?

To some analyst, could this tag of war for congregates have signaled the duo’s ‘animosity’. Could it be that Prophet Makandiwa is avoiding immersing his personality into disrepute after it emerged that his former side kick, Prophet Angel could be what he claimed to be? As we write, Angel is a ‘wanted’ man after he was embroiled in a car wrangled that has sucked in his brother and another Harare man. The vehicle wrangle estimated to be $300 000 has spilled into the courts, while Angel has relocated to Europe. Many who knew Angel and Makandiwa companionship wonder how it all ended abruptly. Did the man see what we did not?
Though we cannot impose a friendship upon anyone, we would have wished to witness two of the most celebrated servants of God hand in hand in praise of the Creator. It is not a secret that these men are ‘loathed’ by many traditional churches leaders for their crime of invading their churches and extracting their believers. Their grace has come with limited evangelical gift so they opted for the easier source for souls. Where many churches have struggled, they have succeeded overnight filling their mammoth structures in the process. Can the abundant grace of many souls upon them be translated into a friendship for the benefit of the local church? – Salvation Press News (SPN). , , ,