$5us for Maintanance

$5us for Maintanance

A Student has offered US$5 as Maintenance for the Upkeep of his two months old baby, Thulani Gotora told the court that he can only sacrifice US 5 for the up keep of Caroline Dhinhizi and their minor Child,

Thulani is a disgrace to all men, He deserves to rot in prison, how can anyone offer 5 bucks for their own child,I bet they would give a prostitute more,

Thulani Gotora is Cruel, The presiding Magistrate at Harare Civil Court ordered Thulani to pay $30, of course the magistrate works by the book, cant blame him,

Thats why weshould all Unite and spread the photo below untilThulani pays a minimum of 150usd,he is too clever for nothing

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