You could just grab a piece of land yourself if you are just brave enough and no one will throw you out, not even the government, we the people employ the government, we are the bosses, POWER TO THE PEOPLE
Zimbabwe is 390,580 km² every Zimbabwean is entitled to at least a free 20 square meter piece of land as per population density, then buy any extra land he/she needs,Land should be given to every Zim the day they get an ID Card.
on a 20metre x 20metre piece of land you can build a house like this

Infact my calculations are not even accurate because the census count all including Kids wich brings the number of people liable for free land to less than 7Million thus doubling the free land, or leave the land as insurance for future generations.
The government is just an Admin System, Smith aipa vanhu dzimba dzemuchato sei? or Mugabe paakapa mawarvets dzimba in Zengeza 5 just after Independence? FREE STANDS FOR ALL is the way.
I Demand a Public Land Audit from the Zimbabwe Land Commission,i want to know who sold land to people who own over 200 Stands? and the person that sold them the land where did they get it, where did the money go, I am a stakeholder of Zimbabwe i inherited this land from my ancestors and i am entitled to my 20x20meter piece of land Around Africa , Shocking facts about Zimbabwe , zimbabwe