Tocky Vibes UK Tour Sabotagers Under fire

15 hours ago, 13 January UK Based promoter Charles Torro Guvamatanga wrote on His facebook.......

It's good to be back after a good holiday in Africa.I just thought I should post something concerning this Zimdancehall promotion and shows.I saw a post on Mamoyo Bee Mufamba bout shows being sabotaged by fellow UK promoters to tarnish other promoters image.I have full proof of this now and the TOCKY TOUR was one such event that was sabotaged, and then two so called prominent promoters were discussing possibilities of working with me and even went as far as comforting me through that distressing period only to realise the same promoters were sending out new contracts to bring the same artists on their own.Its a pity that pipo get so desperate to make money that they make music promotion seem like a Boxing ring. In the next few days you ll see what I mean but I have chosen to stick to my values and principles instead of fighting back otherwise you would see a King Shaddy kind of situation where an artist is banned from entering UK for 10 years. I don't have any form of respect for people who just want money without actually helping these artists make a living out of this newly found opportunity.I will still continue working with the ghetto yutes and promoters who know what promoting means.I don't need the stress of trying to deal with shallow minded pipo who rely on profits from these shows,Tsvagai Mabasa varume.Promotion to me is just part of the community work I do and I am just disappointed that grown men would go out of their way to stop a show going on coz they want the money themselves.The people I am referring to know who they are but expect a clever fightback not zvenyu zvenzara nzara!!!Ndini Ndadaro and ndiri kumberi mberi not zvenyu zveFejaFeja.
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