Mugabe orders by-elections to fill Mujuru and Mnangagwa seats

Mugabe orders by-elections to fill Mujuru and Mnangagwa seats

Joice Mujuru, Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa

The Mt Darwin West constituency fell vacant after legislator for the constituency, former Vice President Dr Joice Mujuru was removed from government office while National Assembly Member for Chirumanzu-Zibagwe Emmerson Mnangagwa was elevated to be Vice President, leaving the constituency vacant.
In a Government Gazette issued on Saturday, President Mugabe said using powers vested on him nomination courts will sit in Bindura and Gweru Magistrate Courts on the 29th of this month in terms of Section 46 of the Electoral Act Chapter 2:13 to receive nominations of candidates for election for the constituencies of Mt Darwin West and Chirumanzu-Zibagwe.
The 27th of March this year has been set as the date for holding polls if it becomes necessary in terms of Section 46, 17 (c) of the Electoral Act Chapter 2:13 for the election of members of the National Assembly for the two constituencies.
Mugabe fired Mujuru and several ministers linked to her in the biggest purge in Zanu PF since Independence, paralysing her faction. Mugabe accused Mujuru of corruption and plotting to kill him.
Among the casualties of a subsequent purge were Didymus Mutasa (Presidential Affairs minister), Webster Shamu (Information Communication Technology), Francis Nhema (Indigenisation), Olivia Muchena (Higher and Tertiary Education), Dzikamai Mavhaire (Energy), Nicholas Goche (Public Service), Simbaneuta Mudarikwa (Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs minister) and Munacho Mutezo (Energy deputy minister).
He also dismissed Flora Buka (Minister of State for Presidential Affairs), Paul Chimedza (Health deputy minister), Sylvester Nguni (Minister of State in former Vice-President Mujuru’s Office), Tongai Muzenda (Public Service deputy minister), Petronella Kagonye (Transport deputy minister), Fortune Chasi (Justice deputy minister) and Tendai Savanhu (Lands deputy minister).
Mujuru is the first vice president to be fired since Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980.
Her four predecessors all died in office.
Mujuru however has blamed ‘a well-orchestrated smear campaign and gross abuse of state apparatus’ that led to the loss of her ruling party post.
She said she was being victimised after exposing infiltrators conspiring to destroy the party, which has ruled the country since independence in 1980.
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